SolidRock@BatuPejal: What the ****!!! Are you *****!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

What the ****!!! Are you *****!!!!

"A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.”
Often it's an unintentional remark or action, sometimes it's sarcasm or busted egos but often it resulted in unnecessary confrontations. It's like being sucked into a one way tunnel and there's no turning back. In some circumstances friends with "good" intentions and peer pressure further add fuel the fire. It's normal for us to impose our views on others however we must understand that our perceptions may not be necessarily shared by others. That's when confrontations happen...feelings get hurt or offended, regrettable words said and relationships strained. Remember my honeydew post. Sometimes what we say or do can mean different things to others.
Have you noticed how some drivers act differently when they are driving. Inside the security cocoon of their cars they feel invincible but their actions often does not reflect their true personality. So when they meet slow drivers, queue jumpers, tailgaters, squeezers, last minute lane changers etc. etc...guess what happens? Regrettably, I've been guilty of the occasional hand gestures and #@*&#*#! remarks too.
If you consider how hard it is to change yourself then you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others. We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. I find it takes a lot less of my energy nowadays to just let go and let it be. It's such a relief to not feel that I have to fix others, very freeing indeed.

This is a short story that I've read about how you choose your response to a situation. I think the moral applies in any given situation among family, friends, at work and society in general.

Once there was a horse tied up on the side of the street.  Whenever someone tried to pass, the horse would kick them.  Soon a crowd gathered around the horse until a wise man was seen coming close.  The people said "This horse will surely kill anyone who tries to pass.  What are we going to do?"  The wise man looked at the horse, turned and walked down another street.

Never let hate in your heart consume you. In life you will meet people who will make you angry and mad, people who test your tolerance limits, people who are rude and disrespect you and people who abuse you. Let GOD deal with the things they do..

I end the post with this lovely quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson about success.
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
....Have a Great Weekend & Drive Carefully


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