SolidRock@BatuPejal: What did I do this time?

Monday, September 27, 2010

What did I do this time?

Sometimes I've wondered why I decided to do the things I did in life. If you were to ask me, I'm sure I'll give you sensible sounding reasons to explain and possibly justify my decisions. I would want you to believe that I've exercised sound judgement, especially in making the important decisions...the choices and actions I've taken in life.

So what do you think? I think the normal way is for us to do what feels right to do at the  particular point in time...and then to justify them with reasons that sounds logical for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not. That's a mouthful but I think you know what I mean...

So, if you want to get married (or marry again)'ll probably give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make it work, or you want to have children, or how being a parent will be good for you and what a great parent you'll make, or that you're getting older and  probably it's time to settle down and so on. But if instead you don't want to, you probably say that you don't have enough money or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you're not ready to be a parent, etc. etc. etc. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it".

And when I look back at the decisions I've made, the ridiculous behaviour and the actions I've taken, some good and some stupid... I'll have to consider it to be the inevitable result of the nature of the human psyche of doing what I wanted to do. With hindsight some of the decisions I've taken does seem illogical and typically human. And similarly I guess with decisions others make as well. Just look at how people behave in society, politics and religion and you'll know what I mean. I'm sure you  too have had your own personal experience yourself.

"The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity." - Voltaire my share of idiotic and stupid decisions. Thanks for the lessons in life...


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