SolidRock@BatuPejal: "Honey Dew"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Honey Dew"

Hi guys, it's been some time since I last wrote on the blog....time sure flies and  I didn't notice it till someone sent me an email saying they missed my blog. Reasons? Don't have any though, excuses maybe. I can blame it on the World Cup (my pick Brazil) or being busy with tax computations before the end June dateline or busy running errands for my eldest daughter admission to Uni or maybe it's just lack of inspiration, a case of writers block, whatever. 

Been catching up on things and read some stuff on the news and the Net. Some amusing, some appalling, some inspiring and some disappointing. Sometimes we do look at the same things rather differently, guess that's what makes us unique in every single way. I do notice that for some issues, our tolerance limits have decreased to the point that we jump at our own shadows. When things go wrong we blame others instead of ourselves even when we know we are the one responsible. Sometimes the truth is right in-front of us but we fail to see it and when we get reminders of the "real" issues we become defensive. Do we have a communication issue here?

Maybe we need to learn how to communicate our fast paced lives we forget the basic values of family and friendship. Communicating might seem simple and straightforward but we all know it's not. I have my own problems talking to my other half, she always say I never listen to what she says...I have problems talking to my three daughters, at times I feel they just don't understand me. 

Let me relate to you a true story about an incident I had earlier in my working life (still single then)  after coming back from my studies. We were out having lunch and  stopped by a stall for some fruits. She asked me, "What do I want?" I answered "Honeydew"...guess what? Her face blushed redder than a tomato embarrassed by my answer. I asked her "What happened?" and she said "Be serious, what do you want?". I looked at her trying to figure out which part of  "Honeydew "she didn't understand and pointed to the fruit in the display. Immediately she burst out laughing and said, "I thought you said, I need you". Imagine, one single word can bring about a totally different meaning. So guys be careful next time you say honeydew....
"Honeydew": use with extreme caution


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